Committees and Meetings

Committees and Meetings

Committees & Meeting Schedules

CommitteesChairmanMember Secretary Meeting Schedules
 Advisory Council Associate DeanAssistant Registrar First Week of Every Month
 Farm Advisory CouncilDDRDr. P.V.Patil, Farm Manager Last Week of Every Month
 Institutional Animal Ethics Committee Associate DeanDr. Mrs. M.K.Patil Twice Yearly
 Institutional  Biosafety Committee Associate DeanDr. S.P.Awandkar Twice Yearly
 Institutional Human Ethics Committee Associate DeanDr. A.V. Bhonsle Twice Yearly
 Library Committee Associate DeanDr. S. A. Dhenge, I/c, Librarian Every Three Months
 Women Redressal Committee Associate DeanDr. Mrs. M.K.Patil Twice Yearly
 Research Project Scrutiny Committee Associate DeanDr.G.R.Channa, Dy. Dir. Res. Last Week of Every Month
 TVCC Committee Associate DeanDr. S.S.Pitlawar, Incharge- TVCC Last Week of Every Month
Works Committee Associate DeanEr.Dushyant Verma, Junior Engineer As per need
Canteen CommitteeDr.N.Z.Gaikwad Every Month
Website CommitteeAssociate DeanDr.Sambhaji G. Chavhan/


Dr. Vilas B. Dongre

As per need